Theater and Life, (2015-2016) NGOs FUND in Romania, SEEA Grants 2009-2014
Discrimination is a problem and the crisis inside the educational system doesn’t offer efficient methods of alternative education; through the project “Theater and Life ” handled by APDI the students from the target group belonging to the discriminated groups and to the majority will be able to reach the following objectives:
To realize the necessity of respecting human rights and the European democratic values
To experiment the active citizenship through volunteering by means of specific ability development to the theater of oppressed
To encourage the participants involvement – both actors and spec-actors to combat the discrimination, the extremism and the hate speech through theatre
To stimulate the young people from the target group and to train them as multipliers in order to promote the social justice inside their high schools
By the means of this project , students from three beneficiary high schools will realize the necessity of respecting human rights and will take action when their rights or the others rights will be violated ; through their performances both them and the spec-actors will learn to take attitude against discrimination, against homophobia , racism , xenophobia, against the hate speech
Curious ? see project site :
and project page on Facebook :